The price at which farmers must sell their wheat is set by the government

The Ethiopian government has mandated that farmers give government-run cooperatives a discount in exchange for their wheat products. A confirmation of the sale of quintals of wheat for 3,200 birr in the Amhara region was given after that by the local agricultural bureau.

According to the office, the decision of the Regional Wheat Procurement Coordinating Task Force increased the market price of wheat products from 3,800 to 4,000 Birr.

According to a decision it has passed, the area has decided against raising the price. As a result, it has been ordered that trading between these companies cease until the cooperatives’ purchase of wheat is complete.

The federal government reportedly made the decision to grant the farmers access to the cooperative’s wheat production based on price, according to other reports. The price at which the government would buy a quintal of wheat, including the farmer’s profit margin, was determined by the Ministry of Finance to be 3,200 birr.

This choice was made, and in Oromia it was decided that farmers would provide the cooperatives with one quintal of wheat for 3,500 birr. Other regions also adopted this choice.

Source : Addis Maleda

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