Yango Ride claims to provide better, more affordable ride-hailing services in a comfortable class

The ride-hailing service Yango Ride, which is owned by the global tech company Yango Group, recently…

Tilosh Har makes its store debut in Addis Ababa, Bole, by adding Indian bridal gowns

Anil Kumar Rai, the Indian Ambassador to Ethiopia, was the main guest  at the store’s grand opening  yesterday…

Dashen Bank and CashGo collaborate with M-PESA Safaricom to improve international remittance services

M-PESA To improve international remittance services, Safaricom Mobile Financial Services PLC has partnered strategically with CashGo…

Ethiopia will be visited by Black Americans in honor of Black History Month

Co-organized by the Ethiopian Diaspora Association, African Eagle Multimedia, New Horizons for Africa, and the ministry…

ጥቁር አሜሪካውያን የጥቁር ህዝቦች ወርን ለማክበር ኢትዮጵያ ሊገቡ ነው

የውጭ ጉዳይ ኢንስቲቲዩት ፣ኒው ሆራይዘን ፎር አፍሪካ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ዲያስፖራ ማህበርና አፍሪካን ኤግል መልቲሚዲያ በጋራ የሚዘጋጁት ይህ…

Geevarghese Mar Yulios, an Orthodox bishop from India, visits the Ethiopian Istanbul General Hospital in Addis Ababa

The Ethio Turkey General Hospital near Bole Bras was visited by Geevarghese Mar Yulios, the Metropolitan…

Thirteen businesses have been chosen for the second round of the Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship in collaboration with Reach for Change Ethiopia

Reach for Change Ethiopia has announced 13 innovative EdTech enterprises as Fellows for the 2025 cohort of the Mastercard…

PACJA Denounces Donald Trump’s Exit from Climate Change Pact, calls for sanctions against US

The Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) expresses deepdisappointment at the decision made on January 20, 2025,…

Imbalance–the seed of unhappiness

It is too much. I want to get out of it. There is no break. I…

Dashen Bank is redefining internet banking with the release of Ethiopia’s First Banking Super App

In an effort to improve banking experiences and streamline and simplify digital banking, Dashen Bank has…