Across the vibrant tapestry of Africa, young storytellers dream of weaving their unique visions into captivating…
Category: Featured
G20 Summit: How India shifted narrative to women-led development under its presidency
As India is gearing up to host the G20 Leaders Summit, the concept of ‘women-led’ development…
Is China Responsible for Pakistan’s Debt Problem
Voice of America Pakistan and China are marking a decade of economic cooperation with much fanfare…
What Has Changed In Kashmir Since August 5, 2019?
SAYEED MALIKRestoration of peace and normal routine of daily life, compared to the past, stands out…
Ethiopians’ misperception of GMOs is due in part to the bad media coverage of them
By Tesfaye Getnet Birhane Kidane, a 35-year-old Addis resident who lives in the city, was asked…
Mrs. Saida Mustafa, a woman ardent about promoting Ethiopian coffee as a vacation spot and revenue source
At the Skylight Hotel today, she gave a special festival on Ethiopian coffee culture. She merits…
የዱባዩ ” ናይፍ “መንደር ኢትዮጵያውያን ኮሮናቫይረስ የተለከፉበት ይሆን?
ጤና ሚኒስትር ሊያ ታደሰ የኮሮናቫይረስ በተመለከተ ያወጧቸው ሪፓርቶች 31 ላይ ደርሰዋል ። አስከዛሬ ሚያዝያ 6,2012 ድረስም…
የዛሬ 24 አመት ወደ ኋላ ።የከሸፈው የሆስኒ ሙባረክ የአዲስ አበባ ግድያ ሙከራ ማን አቀናበረው?
በተስፋዬ ጌትነት ጭጋጋማው ሀምሌ ሰኔ 19,1987 የ67 አመቱን የግብፁን ፕሬዝዳንት በአዲስ አበባ ለመግደል ቀጠሮ ተይዞበታል ።…
Egypt too selfish on Nile and has no plan ‘B’ for hydropower and irrigation
‘ Egypt is the gift of Nile ‘ is a wrong Greek historian Herodotus saying which…