In the Addis Ababa Administration, just 34% of directors and team leaders pass the qualifying exam

The technical and behavioural qualifying exam results for 15,151 workers of the city administration have been made public.

Addis Ababa University and Kotebe University of Education hosted a press conference for media specialists today , to discuss the exam that was given to municipal government staff in Addis Ababa.

15,151 workers finished the behavioural and technical qualifying exam that was given to the experts, the leadership, and the city administration nine days ago. Out of the 10,257 individuals that took the exam, 5,95 out of them passed it, or around 50% of them. 50% of the remaining students did not receive the necessary passing score, according to Tase Gebre (Dr.), Head of Public Service and Human Resource Development Office of Addis Ababa City Administration.

The head went on to note that 1,422 directors and team leaders, or 34% of the total, passed the standard exam out of 4,213 who took it.

In addition, 441 individuals did not show up for the exam, according to the official, and 681 of the total number scheduled for the exam were removed due to various sorts of misconduct.

The office added that capacity development training will be provided to both those who failed the operational skills training and those who passed the exam.

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