Geevarghese Mar Yulios, an Orthodox bishop from India, visits the Ethiopian Istanbul General Hospital in Addis Ababa

The Ethio Turkey General Hospital near Bole Bras was visited by Geevarghese Mar Yulios, the Metropolitan of the Kunnamkulam Diocese. He was impressed by what he saw in the hospital, which included the entire spectrum of medical services.

During a behind-the-scenes tour of the hospital, the bishop met staff members and discovered the difficulties they encounter. He said that he currently serves on the boards of four hospitals in India and that he will do everything in his power to support Ethio Istanbul Hospital by obtaining support and experience sharing from the hospitals with which he is currently affiliated.

“They are doing such wonderful work,” he said.and the staff members are really committed, and I truly appreciate the services and the cleanliness of the hospital. The city is incredibly clean. I’ve heard that this hospital is assisting children who have had heart surgery.Additionally, they want to assist more children who are waiting in queue for this surgery. And I’ll do everything in my power to support this hospital’s operations by facilitating communications with Indian hospitals and medical schools, of which I am a member or chair of the board.

In order to facilitate closer cooperation between the two national churches, the bishop, who is visiting Addis for the third time, met with Abune Mathias, the current patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, last Tuesday and extended an invitation for him to visit the Indian Orthodox Church for the second time

According to Berhanu Tedla, CEO of the Ethiopian Istanbul Church, the bishop’s visit will benefit Ethiopia, particularly children who are awaiting heart surgery and will either receive treatment from Indian physicians or travel to India for the procedure.

Bishop Geevarghese Mar Yuliostook taking time out of his hectic schedule to visit with our colleagues and offer his support is wonderful.I am aware that his visit was greatly appreciated, and he will do something to assist our children and other patients in receiving medical care that is not available here because of a lack of services or financial difficulties. As they say in India, the experience and support of medical services to those who have not received treatment due to a lack of machines and professionals is of great benefit, he said, adding that the hospital has spent over 36 million birr and treated 40 children who underwent heart surgery. We appreciate their kindness.

In addition to surgical therapy, Ethio Istanbul General Hospital offers paediatric heart surgery, chest and lung surgery, head and small intestinal surgery, nursing care, and eye care. He clarified that the hospital’s mission is to provide high-quality domestic medical care to citizens who have been sent outside, with the assistance of highly qualified domestic and international experts and specialists.

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